Tips of reading and remembering

1. Find a quiet place: Choose a quiet, comfortable and well-lit spot that is free from distractions.

2. Set a goal: Decide how much you want to read and what you want to get out of it.

3. Take notes: Write down key points, important dates, and other relevant information in order to help you retain the information.

4. Use visual aids: Create diagrams, maps, and other visual aids to help you remember the material.

5. Repeat information: Repeat key information out loud to help you remember it.

6. Use mnemonics: Create a memory aid like an acronym or rhyme to associate with the information.

7. Break info into smaller chunks: Break the information into smaller chunks and focus on one section at a time.

8. Engage in self-testing: Test yourself after reading a section to help you remember it better.

9. Stay active: Take short breaks and stretch your legs, exercise, or engage in some other activity to help you focus.

10. Apply the information: Apply the information to your daily life to help reinforce your memory and understanding of the material.