Snails and beetles have exoskeletons. Hypothesize the advantages and disadvantages of having an exoskeleton rather than a backbone. Explain your answer in one or two sentences

Advantages of having an exoskeleton include protection from predators and the ability to adapt to different environments. Disadvantages include limited growth potential, reduced flexibility, and vulnerability during molting periods.

Vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Analyze the common characteristics of reptiles and explain how they differ from mammals. Explain your answer in one or two sentences

Common characteristics of reptiles include cold-bloodedness, scaly skin, and laying eggs. Reptiles differ from mammals in that they lack mammary glands, have a three-chambered heart, and generally lay shelled eggs on land rather than giving birth to live young.

Advantages of having an exoskeleton, like snails and beetles, include protection from physical damage and providing structural support to the body. However, a potential disadvantage is the restriction it poses for growth, as the exoskeleton does not grow with the organism and must be periodically shed and replaced.