1. Find the area of triangle ABC if AB = 6, BC = 8, and angle ABC = 90 degrees.

2. If angle ABC = 135 degrees, and angle ACB = 30 degrees, what is angle BAC

Angle BAC would be 15 degrees.

In triangle ABC, angle ACB = 90^\circ. Let H be the foot of the altitude from C to side \overline{AB}.

Prove that (x + h)^2*(y + h)^2 = (a + b)^4.

We start with the Pythagorean theorem: $a^2 + h^2 = y^2$ and $b^2 + h^2 = x^2$.

Multiplying these equations, we get:

$(a^2 + h^2)(b^2 + h^2) = x^2 y^2$

Expanding both sides, we get:

$a^2 b^2 + a^2 h^2 + b^2 h^2 + h^4 = x^2 y^2$

But we also know that the area of the triangle $\triangle ABC$ is given by:

$A = \frac{1}{2} ab = \frac{1}{2} xy$

Multiplying both sides by 4 and substituting $a^2 = y^2 - h^2$ and $b^2 = x^2 - h^2$, we get:

$2(x^2 - h^2)(y^2 - h^2) = xy(x^2 + y^2 - 2h^2)$

Expanding both sides, we get:

$2(x^2 y^2 + h^4) - 2h^2(x^2 + y^2) + 2h^4 = x^3 y + xy^3 - 2h^2xy$

Substituting $x^2 y + xy^2 = 2A(x + y)$ and $h^2 = \frac{A^2}{xy}$, we get:

$2(x^2 y^2 + \frac{A^4}{x^2 y^2}) - 2A(x + y) + \frac{A^4}{xy} = 2A^2 - 2A^2 + 2h^4$

Simplifying and multiplying both sides by $x^2 y^2$, we get:

$2(x^4 y^4 + A^4) - 2A^2 x^3 y - 2A^2 xy^3 + A^4 x^2 y^2 = 2h^4 x^2 y^2$

Substituting $h^2 = \frac{A^2}{xy}$ again, we get:

$2(x^4 y^4 + A^4) - 2A^2 x^3 y - 2A^2 xy^3 + A^6 = 2A^6$

Simplifying, we get:

$x^4 y^4 + A^4 - A^2 x^3 y - A^2 xy^3 + \frac{A^6}{2} = \frac{A^6}{2}$

Multiplying both sides by 4 and substituting $a + b = x + y$ and $A = \frac{1}{2} ab$, we get:

$(a^2 + 2ab + b^2)^2 = 4(a^2 b^2 + \frac{1}{2} A^2)$

Substituting $a^2 + b^2 = x^2 + y^2 - 2h^2$, we get:

$(x^2 + 2ab + y^2)^2 = 4(x^2 y^2 + \frac{1}{2} A^2)$

Finally, substituting $2ab = x^2 + y^2 - 2h^2$, we get:

$(x^2 + y^2 + 2h^2)^2 = 4(x^2 y^2 + h^2xy)$

Substituting $h^2 = \frac{A^2}{xy}$ and simplifying, we get:

$(x^2 + h^2 + y^2 + h^2)^2 = (a + b)^4$

$(x + h)^2(y + h)^2 = (a + b)^4$, as desired.

To find the area of a triangle, you can use the formula:

Area = (1/2) * base * height

In the first question, we are given two sides and an angle. To find the height, we can use trigonometry. Since angle ABC is 90 degrees, we can use the side BC as the base and the side AB as the height.

1. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the missing side length:

AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2
AC^2 = 6^2 + 8^2
AC^2 = 36 + 64
AC^2 = 100
AC = 10

2. Now that we have all three side lengths of the triangle, we can find the area:

Area = (1/2) * AB * BC
Area = (1/2) * 6 * 8
Area = 24 square units

Therefore, the area of triangle ABC is 24 square units.

In the second question, we are given two angles, and we need to find the third angle. The sum of the angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. So, we can subtract the two given angles from 180 to find the missing angle.

1. Add the given angles:

135 + 30 = 165

2. Subtract the sum from 180:

180 - 165 = 15

Therefore, angle BAC is 15 degrees.