The ratio of winning raffle tickets to losing raffle tickets is 4 to 9 , If mrs tucker purchases 117 raffle tickets how many winning tickets can he expect to have

First, we need to calculate the total number of parts in the ratio:

4 + 9 = 13

This means that for every 13 raffle tickets, 4 are winning and 9 are losing. To find out how many winning tickets Mrs. Tucker can expect to have, we need to set up a proportion:

4/13 = x/117

where x is the number of winning tickets. To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

4 * 117 = 13 * x

468 = 13x

x = 36

Therefore, Mrs. Tucker can expect to have 36 winning tickets out of 117.

or , without all that unnecessary fuss

number of winners -- 4x
number of losers --- 9x

4x + 9x = 117
x = 117/13 = 9

so we have 4x or 36 winning tickets.

Yes, that is another way to approach it using algebra. Both methods should give the same result. Thank you for sharing!