Arrange the following legislation that was passed after the civil war in thbe proper chronological order:

I Reconstruction Act
II Wade- Davis Bill
III Fifteenth Amendment
IV Compromise of 1877

To arrange the following legislation passed after the Civil War in the proper chronological order, we need to analyze the historical context and events related to each legislation:

I Reconstruction Act: The Reconstruction Act was passed in 1867. It aimed to establish a framework for the reconstruction of the Southern states after the Civil War. It divided the South into five military districts and required states to draft new constitutions that granted voting rights to African American men.

II Wade-Davis Bill: The Wade-Davis Bill was passed in 1864. However, it was vetoed by President Lincoln. This bill proposed more stringent requirements for Confederate states seeking readmission to the Union, including the majority of white male citizens taking an "Ironclad Oath" of loyalty.

III Fifteenth Amendment: The Fifteenth Amendment was passed in 1870. It prohibited the denial of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This amendment aimed to ensure the right to vote for African American men.

IV Compromise of 1877: The Compromise of 1877 was an informal agreement rather than an actual legislation. It marked the end of the Reconstruction era and the withdrawal of federal troops from the Southern states. It resulted from the disputed 1876 presidential election and granted political concessions to Southern Democrats in exchange for their support of Rutherford B. Hayes as president.

Based on this information, the proper chronological order of the legislation would be:

II Wade-Davis Bill (1864)
I Reconstruction Act (1867)
III Fifteenth Amendment (1870)
IV Compromise of 1877 (informal agreement)

II Wade-Davis Bill

I Reconstruction Act
III Fifteenth Amendment
IV Compromise of 1877

The proper chronological order for the legislation passed after the Civil War is as follows:

1. Wade-Davis Bill (II)
2. Reconstruction Act (I)
3. Fifteenth Amendment (III)
4. Compromise of 1877 (IV)