Which phrase typifies the financial advice offered to young people to begin building wealth?

-“start saving early!”
-“borrow money when you are young.”
-“consider your home as an investment.”
-“don’t stop dreaming!”

“start saving early!”

The phrase that typifies the financial advice offered to young people to begin building wealth is "start saving early!"

The phrase that typifies the financial advice offered to young people to begin building wealth is "start saving early!" This advice is widely recognized and supported by financial experts. Saving early allows young people to take advantage of compound interest, which can greatly multiply their wealth over time.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options provided:

- "Borrow money when you are young": This advice is generally not recommended as it can lead to debt burdens and financial strain. Borrowing money should be done responsibly and only when necessary.

- "Consider your home as an investment": While buying a home can be a good long-term investment, it is not specifically targeted towards young people. Additionally, the real estate market can be volatile and not always guarantee a substantial return on investment.

- "Don't stop dreaming!": While having dreams and aspirations is important, this phrase is not directly related to financial advice for building wealth. It is a motivational phrase that encourages individuals to pursue their goals and ambitions.

Therefore, the phrase "start saving early!" stands out as the most fitting advice for young people looking to build wealth.