Question content area top Part 1 Solve. A​ salesperson's rate of commission is ​5%. What is the commission from the sale of 300 worth of​ clothing?

The commission from the sale of $300 worth of clothing is:

Commission = Rate of commission x Sale amount
Commission = 0.05 x $300
Commission = $15

Therefore, the commission from the sale of $300 worth of clothing is $15.

if the part is 48 and the percent is 40 whats the whole

Let the whole be represented by "x".

We can set up a proportion to solve for x:

part/whole = percent/100

Plugging in the given values, we get:

48/x = 40/100

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

40x = 48 * 100

40x = 4800

Dividing both sides by 40:

x = 120

Therefore, the whole is 120.

To calculate the commission from the sale of $300 worth of clothing with a commission rate of 5%, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the commission rate to decimal form by dividing it by 100. In this case, 5% would be 5/100, which is 0.05.

Step 2: Multiply the sale amount by the commission rate in decimal form to find the commission. So, $300 multiplied by 0.05 equals $15.

Therefore, the commission from the sale of $300 worth of clothing with a commission rate of 5% is $15.