What app develop a Google panel Knowledge fast?

As an AI language model, I cannot create external applications. However, Google's Knowledge Graph is an automated system that pulls information from various data sources to provide users with concise answers for their queries. Content providers can use structured data markup on their websites to help Google understand and display their information in the Knowledge Panel. Google provides guidelines and tools for implementing structured data on websites, which can improve the chances of being featured in the Knowledge Panel.

What does Wikipedia do with google knowledge panel?

Wikipedia provides a lot of information to the Google Knowledge Panel. Google often uses Wikipedia as a primary source for information on various topics, and Wikipedia articles appear frequently in the Knowledge Panel when it is relevant to the user's search query. Google uses Wikipedia's structured data markup to provide this information to the Knowledge Panel. Wikipedia is considered to be a reliable source of information, and its content is often used as a reference for various topics. Many Wikidata statements are used to populate Knowledge Panels across Google search.

Should you create a article of your own on wikipedia?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with some general information about creating a Wikipedia article.

Creating a Wikipedia article about yourself, your organization or your product can be a bit tricky as Wikipedia has strict guidelines for what can or cannot be added to their platform. Wikipedia requires notability, which means that the article content must be verifiable with reliable sources, significant coverage must be given to the subject, and those sources must be independent of the subject.

It’s also important to note that Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and not a promotional platform, so content that appears biased, promotional or without verifiable sources may be deleted.

If you believe your topic meets the criteria for notability and you are able to remain neutral while writing about it, you can create a Wikipedia article. However, it is often recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced editor or to request that someone else creates the article for you.

To develop a Google Knowledge Panel, you need to follow these steps:

1. Establish a Wikipedia page: Knowledge Panels often source their information from reputable sources like Wikipedia. Create an article on Wikipedia that focuses on the subject you want to appear in the Knowledge Panel.

2. Submit a Knowledge Graph suggestion: Visit the Google Search Console's Knowledge Graph data type page (https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/knowledge-graph) and follow the guidelines to suggest your entity. This includes providing accurate and relevant information about the subject, such as a short description, date of birth (for individuals), official website, social media profiles, and other relevant details.

3. Claim your Knowledge Panel: If a Knowledge Panel already exists for the entity but is unclaimed, you can request ownership. This involves using Google's "Claim this knowledge panel" feature, which allows you to submit a verification request.

4. Optimize online presence: Ensure the entity has a strong online presence on various platforms. This includes having an official website with accurate and up-to-date information, active social media profiles, and profiles on other authoritative websites in the industry.

5. Improve search visibility: Implement SEO strategies to improve the entity's search visibility. This involves optimizing relevant webpages with keywords, creating high-quality content, earning backlinks from reputable websites, and improving overall website performance.

It is important to note that Google ultimately decides whether to create a Knowledge Panel for a particular entity. Following the steps above increases your chances of having a Knowledge Panel, but it is not guaranteed.