How are plants affected by an increase in thermal energy on Earth?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, but here are the effects of an increase in thermal energy on plants:

An increase in thermal energy caused by global warming can affect plants in various ways:

1. Changes in growth: Global warming can cause fluctuations in temperature, leading to changes in plant growth and development. Extreme heat can cause plants to wilt and reduce growth, while the optimum temperature promotes plant growth.

2. Changes in blooming and fruit production: There may be a shift in the timing of blooming and fruit production in plants, with some flowering and fruiting earlier than usual. Some plants may not adjust to the shift, and the timing may become unsynchronized with the pollinators and other animals that rely on them.

3. Changes in photosynthesis: An increase in temperature can also alter the rate of photosynthesis in plants. Excessive heat can reduce or even cease photosynthesis, leading to a decline in plant growth and yield.

4. Decrease in water availability: Plants may not be able to adjust to the changing climate and will experience inadequate water availability, leading to water stress. They may even lose their structural integrity due to water loss, leading to crop failure.

5. Increase in pests and diseases: Warmer temperatures may allow pests and diseases to thrive, damaging plants and further affecting their growth.

All of these factors combined can lead to significant changes in plant growth and production, impacting the ecology and food chain.