In this unit, you have been introduced to many scientists who have made astounding contributions to our world of knowledge. This, of course, is true for all fields of study in the realm of Physics. Often, we focus on the science and not on the scientist who ingeniously made the discovery that changed our world as we know it. Well, that changes for this assignment.

In this task, you have been given the honour of introducing a scientist who is about to receive a very prestigious award. You must inform the audience of the scientist's family background, educational background, career path, etc., and you must highlight his/her contributions to the field of Physics. Remember, you must entertain the audience and make this scientist sound truly fabulous. You may choose any scientist related to any of the fields we have studied, a scientist who has contributed to Quantum Physics, which we will soon be studying, or a current day physicist whom you could have the privilege of interviewing. Aim to keep your introduction to between 500 - 750 words.

Be sure to include a photograph or sketch of the scientist you are introducing, and don't forget to reference your material. (30 MARKS)

Here are some scientists to get you thinking:

Elizabeth MacGill
Pierre Coulomb
Alan Carswell
Gerhard Herzberg
Albert Einstein
Max Planck
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
Geraldine Kenney-Wallace
Michael Faraday Thomas Young
Heinrich Hertz
James Clerk Maxwell
Robert Millikan
Werner Heisenberg
Isaac Newton
Galileo Galilei
Robert Hooke
J.J. Thomson James Prescott Joule
Willard S. Boyle
Lois-Victor de Broglie
Clinton Davisson
George Paget Thomson
George Unruh
James Hillier
Hans Christian Oersted

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Dr. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, who is receiving this prestigious award for her remarkable contributions to the field of astrophysics. Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin was an extraordinary woman who defied the odds and her work has not only revolutionized the field of astronomy but also opened doors for countless other women who aspire to study science.

Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin was born and raised in Wendover, England in 1900. She was the daughter of a successful businessman and excelled academically from a young age. She was also very musically talented and shared her passion for music throughout her life.

At the age of 18, Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin was granted a scholarship to attend Cambridge University, where she earned her degree in physics. Although this was a remarkable achievement at the time for a woman, this was just the beginning of an exceptional career.

After completing her studies at Cambridge, Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin traveled to the United States to continue her studies at Harvard University, where she would leave an indelible mark on the field of astrophysics. It was at Harvard that she conducted her groundbreaking research on the chemical composition of stars.

In 1925, Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin became the first person to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College, which was one of the partner schools of Harvard University. She went on to become an assistant professor at Harvard and continued with her research on the physical structures of stars.

However, it was her publication in 1929 titled "Stellar Atmospheres" that changed the face of astrophysics forever. In this publication, Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin confirmed that stars were composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, which at the time was a controversial claim in the field of astronomy. Her research was ultimately proven to be correct and this discovery has had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe.

Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin's contributions to astrophysics did not stop there. Throughout her career, she mentored numerous students, including many women, and her work inspired others to pursue careers in science. In addition to her research, she was also a gifted teacher, and valuable contributor in scientific research administration.

Dr. Payne-Gaposchkin was a tireless advocate for women in scientific and academic fields, continued her work until the very end of her life, and inspired countless women around the world.

In conclusion, it is with great honor that I introduce you to Dr. Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, who showed us that in science, everyone, regardless of gender, can make groundbreaking discoveries and excel in their career with hard work and dedication. Please join me in recognizing her remarkable achievements and contributions to the field of astrophysics.