How would you examine a sentence to identify the subjunctive mood?(1 point)


determine whether it poses a question
determine whether it poses a question

determine whether its action depends on another action
determine whether its action depends on another action

determine whether it makes a demand or an order
determine whether it makes a demand or an order

determine whether it expresses a wish

determine whether it expresses a wish

Which feeling does the subjunctive verb mood express?(1 point)


an uncertain situation in which the action depends on something happening
an uncertain situation in which the action depends on something happening

a firm and direct command or request for action
a firm and direct command or request for action

a wish, a demand, a suggestion, a recommendation, or a request
a wish, a demand, a suggestion, a recommendation, or a request

a certainty in expressing a statement as a fact

an uncertain situation in which the action depends on something happening

Which is the best explanation for why the subjunctive mood is used?(1 point)


Sometimes you are making a request or asking something.
Sometimes you are making a request or asking something.

There are times when you do not know how a situation will turn out.
There are times when you do not know how a situation will turn out.

Often, you need to make a definitive statement.
Often, you need to make a definitive statement.

In some cases, you need to express a wish or desire.

There are times when you do not know how a situation will turn out.

To examine a sentence to identify the subjunctive mood, you would need to determine whether it expresses a wish. In the subjunctive mood, the verb is used to express hypothetical or unreal situations, desires, doubts, or suggestions. This can often be identified by looking for specific keywords or phrases that indicate a wish, such as "wish," "desire," "recommend," or "suggest." Additionally, the verb form itself may indicate subjunctive mood, as it may not follow the typical conjugation patterns used in indicative mood sentences. Therefore, to identify the subjunctive mood, carefully analyze the sentence for any expressions of wishes or hypothetical situations and also consider the form of the verb being used.