Draw a model to represent the polynomial x^2 + 2x + 4

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I am unable to generate a visual representation of the polynomial x^2 + 2x + 4. However, I can describe the shape of the graph of the polynomial.

The polynomial x^2 + 2x + 4 is a quadratic function, which means that its graph is a parabola. The coefficient of x^2, which is 1, indicates that the parabola opens upwards. The vertex of the parabola can be found using the formula (-b/2a, f(-b/2a)), where a, b, and c are the coefficients of the quadratic equation. In this case, a=1, b=2, and c=4. Substituting these values, we get (-1,3) as the vertex of the parabola.

Since the coefficient of x^2 is positive, as x increases or decreases, the value of the function will also increase. Therefore, the portion of the graph to the right and left of the vertex will curve upwards. The graph of x^2 + 2x + 4 will not intersect the x-axis since it never takes on negative values.