Choose the correct form of the book citation based on the MLA style's formatting and punctuation rules.

A. Laura, Chen. Fossil Fuels, Student Encyclopedia, 5th edition 2001
B. Chen, Laura. “Fossil Fuels.” Student Encyclopedia. 5th ed. 2001.

B. Chen, Laura. “Fossil Fuels.” Student Encyclopedia. 5th ed. 2001.

The correct form of the book citation based on MLA style's formatting and punctuation rules is:

B. Chen, Laura. "Fossil Fuels." Student Encyclopedia. 5th ed., 2001.

The correct form of the book citation based on MLA style's formatting and punctuation rules would be option B:

Chen, Laura. "Fossil Fuels." Student Encyclopedia. 5th ed., 2001.

To get to this answer, let's break down the correct elements of an MLA book citation:

1. Author's Last Name, First Name: Begin with the author's last name followed by a comma, then the first name of the author. In this case, the author's last name is Chen, and the first name is Laura.

2. Title of the Book: The title of the book should be in quotation marks. In this case, the title of the book is "Fossil Fuels."

3. Title of the Encyclopedia: The title of the encyclopedia should be italicized and followed by a comma. In this case, the title of the encyclopedia is Student Encyclopedia.

4. Edition: The edition number should be abbreviated as "ed.", followed by a comma. In this case, the edition is the 5th edition.

5. Year of Publication: The year of publication should be followed by a period. In this case, the year of publication is 2001.

By following these formatting and punctuation rules, the correct citation is as follows:

Chen, Laura. "Fossil Fuels." Student Encyclopedia. 5th ed., 2001.