Which sentence from the story supports the conclusion that pegasus trusts bellerophon

"Bellerophon approached Pegasus slowly and spoke to him in a low and soothing voice, earning the creature’s trust."

Without the specific story mentioned, it is difficult to provide an accurate answer. However, if there is a mention of Pegasus displaying signs of trust towards Bellerophon, a sentence supporting that conclusion could be:

"With a gentle nudge and a soft whinny, Pegasus allowed Bellerophon to mount on its back, showcasing the immense trust the mythical creature had in the hero."

To find the sentence from the story that supports the conclusion that Pegasus trusts Bellerophon, you would need to refer to the context of the story. As an AI, I don't have access to specific stories unless you provide the text. However, here is a general explanation of how you could find a supporting sentence:

1. Analyze the context: Read through the story to understand the relationship between Pegasus and Bellerophon. Look for instances where their interactions, actions, or dialogue may indicate trust.

2. Pay attention to character traits and actions: Identify moments where Pegasus shows signs of trust towards Bellerophon. This could include situations where Pegasus willingly obeys Bellerophon's commands or displays loyalty and cooperation.

3. Look for direct statements or descriptions: Find sentences that explicitly mention or describe Pegasus's trust in Bellerophon. These sentences may directly state or imply trust through the use of language or vivid descriptions.

By following these steps and examining the story's content, you should be able to identify a sentence that supports the conclusion that Pegasus trusts Bellerophon.