After spending to 2,500 naira out of his pocket money Ibrahim still had 3/5 of his inital money left how much was his inital money?

Let's call Ibrahim's initial money "x".

We know that he spent 2,500 naira.

We also know that he had 3/5 of his initial money left.

So, we can set up the equation:

3/5x = x - 2,500

To solve for x, we can start by multiplying both sides by 5 (to get rid of the denominator):

3x = 5(x - 2,500)


3x = 5x - 12,500

Subtract 3x from both sides:

-2x = -12,500

Divide both sides by -2:

x = 6,250

So Ibrahim's initial money was 6,250 naira.

Let's assume Ibrahim's initial money is represented by the variable "x". According to the information given, Ibrahim spent 2,500 naira out of his pocket money and still had 3/5 of his initial money left.

To find the initial amount, we can set up the following equation:

x - 2,500 = (3/5) * x

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to get rid of the fraction:

5 * (x - 2,500) = 3 * x

Expanding the equation, we have:

5x - 12,500 = 3x

Next, we can subtract 3x from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable:

5x - 3x - 12,500 = 0

2x - 12,500 = 0

Now, we can add 12,500 to both sides of the equation:

2x = 12,500

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for x:

x = 12,500 / 2

x = 6,250

Therefore, Ibrahim's initial money was 6,250 naira.

To find Ibrahim's initial money, we need to set up an equation using the available information.

Let's assume Ibrahim's initial money is "x" naira.

According to the given information, Ibrahim spent 2,500 naira and still had 3/5 of his initial money left.

So, the amount of money he had left after spending 2,500 naira is (3/5) * x.

Therefore, we can set up the equation:

(3/5) * x = x - 2,500

To solve this equation, we can start by multiplying both sides by 5 to get rid of the fraction:

3x = 5(x - 2,500)

Now, distribute the 5 on the right side:

3x = 5x - 12,500

Next, subtract 5x from both sides to isolate the variable:

3x - 5x = -12,500

-2x = -12,500

Finally, divide both sides by -2 to solve for x:

x = (-12,500) / (-2)

x = 6,250

Therefore, Ibrahim's initial money was 6,250 naira.