​If x represents the cost of burger meals, then y represents _____.

The system of linear equations would look like ______.

How much does a burger meal cost? ________.

How much does a hot dog meal cost? ______.

The total $ spent on both meals The number of hot dog meals The cost of a hot dog meal 3x + 6y = 48 and 6x + 4y = 60 3x + 4y = 48 and 6x + 2y = 60 48x + 60y = 9x + 6y$4$6 $8 $9 $5

If x represents the cost of burger meals, then y represents the cost of hot dog meals.

The system of linear equations would look like:
3x + 6y = 48
6x + 4y = 60

To solve for x and y, we can use elimination or substitution method. Using elimination method, we can multiply the first equation by -2 and then add it to the second equation to eliminate the y variable:
-6x - 12y = -96
6x + 4y = 60
-8y = -36
y = 4.5

Substituting y = 4.5 into any of the original equations, we can solve for x:
3x + 6(4.5) = 48
3x + 27 = 48
3x = 21
x = 7

Therefore, a burger meal costs $7 and a hot dog meal costs $4.5.

The total $ spent on both meals: $48
The number of hot dog meals: we can solve for this using either equation. Let's use the first equation:
3x + 6y = 48
3(7) + 6y = 48
21 + 6y = 48
6y = 27
y = 4.5
So the number of hot dog meals would be 6.

The cost of a hot dog meal: $4.5.