Explain what is cyber savvy and give one example

Cyber savvy refers to the ability to navigate and use digital technologies, such as the internet, social media, and mobile devices, in a safe and responsible manner.

An example of cyber savvy could be someone who knows how to protect their online identity and personal information, such as using strong passwords and avoiding clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files. They also know how to recognize and report online scams and cyberbullying.

Cyber savvy refers to the ability to navigate and interact safely and knowledgeably in the digital world. It involves having a good understanding of online security, privacy, and appropriate online behavior. Being cyber savvy means being aware of the potential risks online, such as scams, viruses, identity theft, and cyberbullying, and taking proactive steps to protect oneself.

One example of being cyber savvy is having secure and unique passwords for all online accounts. This means creating passwords that are difficult to guess and not using the same password for multiple accounts. A cyber savvy individual will also regularly update their passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, adding an extra layer of security to their online presence.

Cyber savvy refers to having knowledge and understanding of how to navigate and engage with the digital world safely and effectively. It involves having a good grasp of online security, privacy, and digital literacy skills. A cyber-savvy individual is aware of potential online threats and knows how to protect themselves and their digital assets.

An example of being cyber savvy is practicing strong password hygiene. This includes creating complex passwords, using different passwords for different accounts, and regularly updating them. By doing so, you minimize the risk of your accounts being compromised by hackers. Additionally, enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts. Being cyber savvy in this context means understanding the importance of strong passwords and taking necessary steps to protect your accounts from unauthorized access.