In one to two sentences, describe an example where people pay a flat tax and explain why it is a flat tax.

In a hypothetical scenario, citizens of a country pay a flat tax of 10% on their income, regardless of their earnings. This is a flat tax because everyone pays the same percentage of their income, regardless of their income level.

A flat tax is like a one-size-fits-all hat that everyone has to wear, where everyone, regardless of their income, pays the same fixed percentage of their earnings to the government, giving equality a twist of simplicity.

An example of a flat tax is when individuals pay a fixed percentage of their income, regardless of their income level, such as a 10% flat tax, because everyone pays the same rate, resulting in a flat tax structure.

An example of a flat tax is when every taxpayer pays the same percentage of their income as tax, regardless of their income level. This type of tax system is considered flat because the tax rate remains constant regardless of income.