Which term describes keywords and phrases used to conduct online research for information?

Search terms or search queries.

The term that describes keywords and phrases used to conduct online research for information is "search queries."

The term that describes keywords and phrases used to conduct online research for information is "search terms" or "search queries". When you're looking for information online, using the right search terms is crucial to finding relevant and accurate results. To use search terms effectively, consider the following steps:

1. Identify the main concepts of your research: Determine the key words or phrases that represent the main ideas or topics you're interested in. For example, if you're researching climate change, your main concepts could be "climate change," "global warming," "effects," and "solutions."

2. Use specific and relevant terms: Be as specific as possible when selecting your search terms to narrow down the results. If your research focuses on the impact of climate change on coastal communities, you might use search terms like "climate change impacts on coastal areas" or "effects of sea-level rise on coastal cities."

3. Experiment with synonyms and related terms: Consider using synonyms and related terms to expand your search results. This can help you find different perspectives or variations of information. For example, for the term "climate change," you could also try "global warming" or "climate crisis."

4. Utilize search operators: To refine your search further, try using search operators such as quotation marks for exact phrases ("climate change effects"), plus/minus signs to include or exclude specific terms (+carbon footprint -fossil fuels), or site/domain specifications (site:.gov for government sources).

5. Evaluate and refine your search results: After conducting a search, review the results and assess their relevance. If the results are too broad or not what you're looking for, consider modifying your search terms or using advanced search filters provided by search engines.

Remember, effective search terms play a vital role in finding accurate and reliable information online. By using thoughtful and strategic search query techniques, you can streamline your research process and uncover valuable sources.