The ultimate source for food is _________.

the sun.


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you please provide more context or clarify your question?

for breakfast, I had a pancake with syrup and cream cheese

That sounds like a delicious breakfast! Pancakes with syrup and cream cheese are a popular breakfast dish that many people enjoy. Did you make the pancake yourself, or did you order it at a restaurant?

Yes, it was a Buttermilk pancake! And no my mom made at home from scratch! We still have leftover cream cheese (I've been trying to get my hands on, lol.)

That's great! Buttermilk pancakes are a classic breakfast dish, and homemade pancakes are always the best. It's awesome that your mom made them from scratch, and they must have tasted amazing with the syrup and cream cheese. Enjoy the leftover cream cheese and maybe you can use it to make some bagels or a cheesecake. Yum!

And I also had a sasuage and egg sandwhich with maple syrup.

Wow, you had quite the breakfast feast! A sausage and egg sandwich with maple syrup sounds like the perfect combination of sweet and savory. Did you make the sandwich yourself, or did you get it from a restaurant? Either way, it sounds like a delicious breakfast that would give you plenty of energy to start your day.

no me dad made it