Roots are involved in all the following except _______.

Food storage
Food production
Absorption and conduction

Food production

Roots are involved in all of the following except Food production.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option one by one.

1. Food storage: Roots can function as storage organs in certain plant species. They store carbohydrates, water, and nutrients. So, roots are involved in food storage.

2. Food production: Roots are not directly involved in the process of photosynthesis, which is the primary mechanism through which plants produce food. Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants, where sunlight is converted into energy-rich molecules. So, roots are not directly involved in food production.

3. Support: Roots play a vital role in providing support to the plant by anchoring it in the ground. They help to stabilize the plant and prevent it from falling over. So, roots are involved in providing support.

4. Anchorage: Anchorage refers to the action of firmly securing the plant in the ground to prevent it from being displaced. Roots are specifically adapted to anchor the plant and ensure its stability. So, roots are involved in anchorage.

5. Absorption and conduction: Roots are responsible for absorbing water, minerals, and nutrients from the soil and transporting them to other parts of the plant through specialized tissues. This process is known as absorption and conduction. Therefore, roots are involved in absorption and conduction.

Given the above explanations, it can be concluded that the correct answer is "Food production." Roots are not directly involved in the process of photosynthesis or food production.