What were some historical events of the Cubism art movement?

1. The first Cubist painting: In 1907, Pablo Picasso painted Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, which is considered to be the first Cubist painting.

2. The Salon d'Automne exhibition: In 1907, the Salon d'Automne exhibition in Paris showcased a collection of Cubist works, including paintings by Georges Braque and Robert Delaunay.

3. Analytical Cubism: Between 1909 and 1912, Picasso and Braque developed Analytical Cubism, which was characterized by the deconstruction of objects into geometric forms and the use of a monochromatic color palette.

4. Synthetic Cubism: In 1912, Picasso and Braque began experimenting with combining different materials and textures, such as newspaper clippings and wallpaper, into their paintings. This style became known as Synthetic Cubism.

5. World War I: Many Cubist artists, including Picasso, Braque, and Juan Gris, were drafted into the military during World War I, which led to the decline of the movement.

6. Post-War Cubism: After the end of World War I, Cubist artists continued to incorporate new influences and techniques into their work, such as the use of bright colors and the incorporation of text into paintings.

7. Legacy: Cubism had a significant impact on the development of modern art, influencing movements such as Futurism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism.