there are four marbles in a bag with the colors, red white blue and green. John pulls out one of the marbles and toss a coin. How many elements are there in the sample space.

There are 8 elements in the sample space.

To see why, first consider that there are 4 possible outcomes when John pulls out a marble: he can get a red, white, blue, or green marble.

Next, consider that when he tosses a coin, there are 2 possible outcomes: he can get heads or tails.

To determine the total number of outcomes in the sample space, we multiply the number of outcomes for each event. So, there are 4 outcomes for the marble and 2 outcomes for the coin toss, giving us a total of:

4 x 2 = 8

Therefore, there are 8 elements in the sample space.

To find the number of elements in the sample space, we need to multiply the number of outcomes for each event.

Event 1: Pulling out a marble
Since there are 4 marbles in the bag, there are 4 possible outcomes.

Event 2: Tossing a coin
Since tossing a coin has 2 possible outcomes (heads or tails), there are 2 possibilities.

To find the number of elements in the sample space, we multiply the number of outcomes for each event: 4 (number of outcomes for pulling out a marble) multiplied by 2 (number of outcomes for tossing a coin).

4 * 2 = 8

So, there are 8 elements in the sample space.