You buy 4 snacks and a drink. The snacks cost $1.40 each. You pay with a $10 bill and receive $1.65 in change. How much does the drink cost?

A. $1.75
C. $4.40
B. $2.75
D. $6.95

First, we need to find the total cost of the snacks. Since each snack costs $1.40 and we bought 4 of them, the total cost is:

4 snacks x $1.40/snack = $5.60

Next, we need to subtract the cost of the snacks from the total amount paid to find the cost of the drink. We paid with a $10 bill and received $1.65 in change, so:

$10 paid - $1.65 change = $8.35 remaining

Now we can subtract the cost of the snacks from the remaining amount to find the cost of the drink:

$8.35 remaining - $5.60 snacks = $2.75

Therefore, the answer is B. $2.75.