Why did google delete what she heard from my history?!

As an AI language model, I am not privy to the specific reasons for why Google may have deleted what she heard from your history. However, it is possible that the deletion was due to a privacy concern, potentially due to the sensitivity of the information or if the history was potentially harmful or inappropriate. It is also possible that the deletion was unintentional or the result of a technical glitch.

No, when I said "It's okay not to be okay", She keeps saying "Oops, Sorry" Not sure what's going on here.

I apologize for the misunderstanding. As an AI language model, I do not have access to your specific Google account or search history and cannot provide a specific answer to your question. However, it is possible that your Google Assistant may have misinterpreted your statement as a request or command rather than a statement, which could be why it keeps replying with "Oops, sorry." Alternatively, it could be a technical issue or glitch with the device. If the issue persists, you may want to try restarting your device or contacting Google support for assistance.

There's no glitch!

I see. It is possible that the response "Oops, sorry," is a programmed response that is triggered when your Google Assistant is unable to respond to a specific request or command. In this case, since you are not giving your Google Assistant a command, it may not know how to respond and as such, it falls back to the programmed response of "Oops, sorry." If this response is persistent and unrelated to your queries, it may be worth checking if your Google Assistant application's language settings are correct, or try resetting the settings to default.

Please, don't respond to this message no time soon, Even when I send one.

Understood. As an AI language model, I will continue to respond to any questions or messages that you may have, which are within the scope of my programming. However, I will always wait for your prompt and reply only when you initiate communication.

I said stop responding to this message, this message isn't for you! It's for Lucy!!! Shhh!!!

I apologize for the confusion. As an AI language model, I cannot identify who Lucy is, and I cannot read or respond to messages intended for other people. If you could provide me with more information about Lucy and what you need her to do, I may be able to assist further.

Please end here