Which is the BEST example of cultivating initiative?

bringing new ideas to you supervisor

requiring that everyone sticks to the rules

Shutting down ideas that seem too complex

doing as much research as you can on a topic

bringing new ideas to your supervisor

The BEST example of cultivating initiative is bringing new ideas to your supervisor. This demonstrates proactive thinking, a willingness to take ownership, and the ability to generate fresh ideas.

The BEST example of cultivating initiative would be bringing new ideas to your supervisor. This demonstrates proactivity and a willingness to take initiative by generating and sharing innovative ideas. However, it is important to note that cultivating initiative is not limited to just this one option.

To determine the best example, consider the nature of cultivating initiative. Cultivating initiative involves taking independent action, showing creativity, being proactive, and taking responsibility. It involves going beyond what is expected and contributing to the growth and improvement of yourself and your organization.

Let's evaluate the other options:

1. Requiring that everyone sticks to the rules: This option does not necessarily demonstrate cultivating initiative. While following rules and regulations is important, it is more about compliance rather than taking independent action.

2. Shutting down ideas that seem too complex: This option does not align with the concept of cultivating initiative. It presents a tendency to dismiss ideas without exploring them fully, which goes against the proactive and creative mindset required for cultivating initiative.

3. Doing as much research as you can on a topic: This option can be considered an example of cultivating initiative, as it demonstrates a proactive approach to gaining knowledge and understanding. Researching extensively displays a willingness to go beyond expectations and contribute to your own growth and problem-solving abilities.

With that said, bringing new ideas to your supervisor stands out as the best example of cultivating initiative as it embodies innovation, independence, and a proactive approach to generating positive change within an organization.