


I apologize for my mistake. The correct answer is 654444478. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

To solve the addition problem 30 + 6544444448, you simply add the two numbers together.

Begin by aligning the numbers vertically, with the ones digits lined up:

+ 6544444448

Next, start adding from right to left.

Starting with the ones digits, which in this case is 0 + 8, gives a sum of 8.

Moving on to the tens digits, which is also 0 + 4, gives a sum of 4.

Continuing this process with the hundreds, thousands, and so on, you will find that in this case, all the digits after the tens digit in 6544444448 are larger than the corresponding digits in 30.

So the final sum is 6544444478.

Therefore, 30 + 6544444448 = 6544444478.