What is the rhyme scheme pattern for this poem *(look at the ending words and which ones rhyme)

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There is not enough information to determine the rhyme scheme pattern for this poem without seeing the poem itself.

My candle burns at both ends;

it will not last the night;

But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-

it gives a lovely light

The rhyme scheme for this poem is AABBCC.

To determine the rhyme scheme pattern of a poem, you need to analyze the ending words of each line and identify if they rhyme with each other.

In this case, the rhyme scheme options you provided are:

To figure out which one is the correct rhyme scheme pattern for the poem, you need to examine the poem itself. Look at the last word of each line and see if any words rhyme with each other.

For example, if the last word of the first line rhymes with the last word of the third line, and the last word of the second line rhymes with the last word of the fourth line, then the rhyme scheme would be AABB.

Analyze the poem by looking at the pattern of rhyming words. Once you identify the pattern, you will be able to determine the correct rhyme scheme.