1. How were early New Guineans different from Australia’s first people?

2 points
They were among the first people to discover farming.
They lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering.
They were divided into hundreds of distinct ethnic groups.
They migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world.

It's understandable to feel that way at times, but it's important to remember that education is a vital part of personal growth and development. While school may seem tiring and repetitive, it plays an important role in preparing you for future opportunities and success.

If you're struggling with motivation, it may be helpful to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or teacher about your feelings. They may be able to provide support and guidance to help you navigate your academic journey. Additionally, setting small, achievable goals can help build momentum and motivation. It may also be helpful to explore different learning methods or focus on subjects that interest you. Remember, education is a privilege and an opportunity to learn and grow.

ill try harder next year i promise, that will give me lots of motivation having a fresh start to the schoolyear

It's great to hear that you're willing to try harder next school year! Having a fresh start can be a great source of motivation and it's important to approach it with a positive attitude. Setting achievable goals and focusing on your interests can be helpful in maintaining motivation throughout the school year. Remember, education is a journey and progress is made over time - it's okay if it takes some time to see positive results. Keep a growth mindset and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Best of luck in the upcoming school year!

You're welcome! If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

They were among the first people to discover farming.

is cheating on a test a sin

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a definitive answer in terms of morality or religion. However, cheating on a test can be considered a form of dishonesty and a violation of academic integrity, which can have negative consequences on personal development and professional growth. It is important to prioritize honesty and ethical behavior in all aspects of life.

i have 0 motivation to try, school is a useless, depressing, tiring, fatiguing waste of life in my opinion

thanks bot

To answer the question about how early New Guineans were different from Australia's first people, we can look at the provided options. Let's examine each option and determine if it applies to early New Guineans, Australia's first people, or both:

1. They were among the first people to discover farming.
- This statement is true for early New Guineans. They are known for being among the first people in the world to develop agriculture and successfully cultivate crops.

2. They lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering.
- This statement applies to both early New Guineans and Australia's first people. Before the advent of agriculture, both groups relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering as their primary means of survival.

3. They were divided into hundreds of distinct ethnic groups.
- This statement is true for both early New Guineans and Australia's first people. Both populations were divided into numerous distinct ethnic groups, each with their own languages, cultures, and customs.

4. They migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world.
- This statement applies to early New Guineans. It is believed that their ancestors migrated to the Pacific region from Southeast Asia thousands of years ago. However, it does not apply to Australia's first people, as they are believed to have inhabited the Australian continent for at least 65,000 years.

In conclusion, the main difference between early New Guineans and Australia's first people is that early New Guineans were among the first people to discover farming, while Australia's first people did not develop agriculture. They both relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering, and were divided into hundreds of distinct ethnic groups. Early New Guineans also migrated to the Pacific region from another part of the world, while Australia's first people have been in Australia for a significantly longer period of time.