1. All of the following are reasons the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Union began EXCEPT:*

5 points

Communist and Capitalist ideologies are incompatible.
Western countries wanted to help spread Communism throughout the world.
Stalin forcibly spread Communism to all the countries Soviets occupied during WWII.
The Soviets were backing Communist rebels in Greece and Turkey.
Stalin felt threatened by the Truman Doctrine of "Containment."
2. What were some ways Western countries adopted to combat the Communist threat? (Select all that apply)*
5 points
The United States adopted the Marshal Plan to help impoverished countries in Europe.
Western countries pledged to go to war with any new Communist regimes.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed to protect member countries from attack.
Western countries built-up their weapons to rival Soviet power.
They published anti-Communism propaganda.
Use the map to answer question 3.

3. Based on the map, why was the division of the city of Berlin a key issue during the Cold War?*
5 points
Because Berlin is located within East Germany, the Soviets were able to cut it off from the western nations.
The French, British, and Americans couldn't agree how to run West Berlin.
Because West Germany is green, Soviets thought the grass was greener there.
The division of the city of Berlin was not a major issue during the Cold War
4. What are some conclusions you can make based on the following graph? (Select all that apply)*
5 points

The number of flights and the amount of supplies gradually increased.
The number of flights and the amount of supplies gradually decreased.
The amount of supplies delivered in April 1949 was more than triple that in July 1948.
The Soviet blockade of Berlin was a failure because the United States was able to supply Berlin's needs.
The Soviet blockade of Berlin was successful because it cost too much for these flights.
5. The United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a Nuclear Arms race in order to ensure a balance of power, and deter each other from starting a war that could destroy them both.*
5 points
7. Japan's recovery after WWII was a result of what?*
5 points
American aid during and after the occupation of Japan.
The ability of the Japanese to put most of their money back into rebuilding their economy instead of their military.
A focus on producing goods for export brought great wealth into their economy.
All of the above.
8. How did the Korean War lead to greater tension between the Western Nations and China?*
5 points
Communist China refused to have diplomatic relations with South Korea.
Mao Zedong sent Chinese troops into North Korea to help repel United Nations' forces.
The Chinese were afraid North Korea would invade China.
The TV show M*A*S*H angered Communists.
9. The United States became involved in the civil war in Vietnam because:*
The U.S. Government believed that if Vietnam fell to communism, many other nations would follow like a row of dominos.
Many Americans were afraid they would no longer be able to get Vietnamese cuisine,
The U.S. had many manufacturing companies in South Vietnam they wanted to protect.
The CIA needed South Vietnam as a staging area for continued secret attacks on China.

"In the West today, we see a free world that has achieved a level of prosperity and well-being unprecedented in all human history. In the communist world, we see failure, technological backwardness, declining standards of health, even want of the most basic kind—too little food. Even today, the Soviet Union still cannot feed itself. After these four decades, then, there stands before the entire world one great and inescapable conclusion: Freedom leads to prosperity. Freedom replaces the ancient hatreds among the nations with comity and peace. Freedom is the victor." – Ronald Reagan
Use the above text to answer question 10.
10. Based on Reagan's argument, what caused the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union?*
5 points
Hungry peasants overthrew the Soviet government in Moscow.
The struggling Soviet economy collapsed, leading to the fall of communist governments.
The Soviet Bloc nations turned on each other in civil war.
Government corruption led to people seeking free elections.
12. In 1969, ___________ became Israel's first woman prime minister.*

Agatha Christie
Golda Meir
Judi Dench
Anastasia Nikolaevna
13. In what nations other than Iran were oil resources found? Select all that apply.*
5 points
Saudi Arabia
none of the above
14. In the Middle East, only Israel and ________ had stable multiparty systems.*
Saudia Arabia
15. _________ became the first Arab leader to make peace with Israel.*

Gamal Abdel Nasser
Anwar Sadat
Hosni Mubarak
Sadat Abdel
16. Modern Israel was established in 1948 under the ______________________.*

United Nations Partition Plan
Treaty of Versailles
Emancipation Proclamation
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
17. During the Lebanese Civil War, __________ and _________ militias, or armed groups of citizen soldiers, battled each other.*

Buddhist and Muslim
Christian and Jewish
Christian and Muslim
Jewish and Buddhist
18. After Saddam Hussein's overthrow in Iraq, peace in the country was quickly found.*

