Select 5 that apply.

What are the kingdoms of living things?

Protists, Monera, Fungi, Animals, Plants.


A)something which keeps an event from happening
B)to stimulate, to invite
C)reproduction, as of a plant
D)not able to be eaten
E)to thin out

C) reproduction, as of a plant.

To identify the kingdoms of living things that apply from the given options, you can use prior knowledge or conduct a quick search.

The five kingdoms of living things are typically classified as follows:

1. Protists: This kingdom consists of single-celled organisms, such as amoebas and algae, which have complex cellular structures.

2. Monera: This kingdom comprises prokaryotic organisms, including bacteria and cyanobacteria.

3. Fungi: This kingdom includes multicellular organisms, such as mushrooms and yeasts, which obtain nutrients through absorption.

4. Animals: This kingdom encompasses multicellular eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic and possess specialized tissues and organs.

5. Plants: This kingdom includes multicellular eukaryotic organisms capable of photosynthesis, including trees, flowers, and grasses.

Based on these definitions, the five options that apply are:
1. Protists
2. Monera
3. Fungi
4. Animals
5. Plants