By the end of Romeo and Juliet, Paris and Romeo, both of whom loved Juliet, are dead.

The two characters, however, are very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the two men. The introduction of your essay should include an attention-getter and thesis statement. The body of your essay should provide examples of similarities and differences regarding their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions. Close your essay with an overall conclusion, including a restatement of the thesis.

Just looking for some help.


The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet left two men, Paris and Romeo, dead. Both men loved Juliet, and despite their similar feelings towards her, they were very different. Their attitudes towards love, traditions, and fidelity were distinct, which ultimately led to their separate outcomes. This essay will compare and contrast the two men.



Paris and Romeo both loved Juliet unconditionally. Romeo saw her as the love of his life and was willing to do anything for her, including breaking the law by sneaking into her home. Paris admired Juliet and respected her wishes, especially when she declined his marriage proposal. Both men saw Juliet's beauty and charm, causing them to fall deeply in love with her.


Attitudes towards Love:
Romeo viewed love in an idealistic and romantic way, whereas Paris approached it pragmatically. Romeo believed in love at first sight and felt that it was the most important aspect of his life. Paris viewed love as more of a practical matter, believing that marrying someone socially acceptable would be best for his life and future.

Paris was a man of tradition and believed strongly in the roles of women and men within society. He believed in arranged marriages and held great importance in upholding his family's reputation. Romeo's attitudes towards traditions were less rigid. He was willing to love and fight for Juliet regardless of societal expectations.

Paris was faithful to Juliet throughout the novel, even when he realized she did not love him. Romeo, on the other hand, was unfaithful to Juliet emotionally when he initially loved Rosaline. He was also unfaithful to her physically when he killed Tybalt, Juliet's cousin.

Paris's actions towards Juliet were noble and respectful. He never forced himself onto her and always tried to understand her perspective. Romeo's actions, on the other hand, were impulsive and reckless. He made decisions without thinking them through, resulting in the death of numerous characters.


In conclusion, Paris and Romeo were two very different men who loved Juliet in their own way. Their attitudes towards love, traditions, and fidelity varied and had significant influence on their individual fates. Paris's respect and admiration towards Juliet ultimately led to his tragic death in trying to protect her. Romeo's impulsive behavior and lack of thought caused the death of Paris and led to his own destruction. While both men loved Juliet, their personalities and actions had very different outcomes.


In the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet, two men, Paris and Romeo, both fiercely loved Juliet, yet met a bleak fate. Despite their shared affection for the young Capulet, these characters exhibit striking differences in their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions. This essay aims to explore and compare these distinctions, shedding light on the contrasting paths they tread and the consequences that befall them.


1. Attitudes toward Love:
Both Paris and Romeo demonstrate a deep affection for Juliet, but their attitudes toward love differ significantly.

- Paris: Paris views love within the lens of societal expectations and conventions. He demonstrates a more practical approach and focuses on the advantageous aspects of marrying Juliet, as it aligns with his position and family's desires. Paris perceives love within the bounds of duty and social standing.

- Romeo: In contrast, Romeo embodies the passionate and intense nature of love. He experiences love as a transformative force that transcends reason and societal constraints. Romeo falls deeply in love with Juliet at first sight, pursuing a passionate and all-encompassing romance, devoid of any calculations or preconditions.

2. Traditions:
Their differing attitudes toward traditions are evident as well.

- Paris: Paris adheres closely to the traditions upheld by Verona's society. As a nobleman, he complies with the expected customs of arranged marriages and adheres to his family's desires, seeking Juliet's hand with their approval. Paris exemplifies the conservative and conformist stance associated with traditions.

- Romeo: Romeo, on the other hand, rebelliously challenges the established norms and traditions. He defies his family's expectations and ventures outside his social circle to find love. Romeo's disregard for societal traditions signifies his dissatisfaction with the confines of his own world, and his willingness to transcend them for love.

3. Fidelity:
The way in which Paris and Romeo approach fidelity and loyalty also sets them apart.

- Paris: Paris demonstrates loyalty by meticulously following the established social structure and not wavering from the path designated for him. He remains steadfast in his commitment to Juliet, irrespective of her feelings towards him. Paris's loyalty lies in upholding his duty rather than in nurturing an emotional connection.

- Romeo: Romeo, although impulsive and willing to challenge societal norms, exhibits unwavering fidelity to his own desires. He ardently loves Juliet and remains devoted to her throughout the play, even in the face of countless obstacles. Romeo's fidelity is rooted in emotions and a deep connection with Juliet, rather than mere duty.

Paris and Romeo may share a common love for Juliet, but their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity illuminate contrasting personas. Paris's adherence to conventions and societal expectations portrays him as an embodiment of duty and responsibility. Conversely, Romeo's passionate and rebellious nature makes him a symbol of love's intensity and the defiance of societal boundaries. Ultimately, their distinct approaches to love and loyalty play a significant role in shaping their tragic destinies.

Sure! I can help you with writing your essay comparing and contrasting Paris and Romeo from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

To capture the reader's attention, you can start with an attention-getter related to the theme of love or tragedy in Romeo and Juliet. For example, you could begin with a quote from the play or a brief anecdote about the tragic love story of the two young characters. Then, your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument about the similarities and differences between Paris and Romeo.

Example thesis statement: While Paris and Romeo both loved Juliet, their attitudes toward love, traditions, and fidelity, as well as their actions, reveal stark contrasts in character, highlighting the tragic nature of their intertwined fate.


Paragraph 1 - Attitudes towards Love:
Start each paragraph with a topic sentence stating the main point of comparison or contrast. In this paragraph, discuss how Paris and Romeo differ in their attitudes towards love. You can analyze their initial motives and perspectives on love, their actions towards Juliet, and how they express their emotions.

Paragraph 2 - Attitudes towards Traditions:
Similarly, explore the differences in how Paris and Romeo approach and adhere to traditions. Discuss their views on arranged marriages, societal expectations, and the influence of family values on their decisions.

Paragraph 3 - Attitudes towards Fidelity:
Focus on how Paris and Romeo display differing levels of fidelity. Discuss their commitment to Juliet, loyalty to their own beliefs, and instances where their fidelity is tested throughout the play.

Paragraph 4 - Actions:
Examine the actions of Paris and Romeo in relation to their love for Juliet. Analyze how their actions are motivated by differing circumstances, personal choices, and their overall perception of love.

Summarize the main points of comparison and contrast between Paris and Romeo. Restate your thesis statement, emphasizing how these differences ultimately lead to their tragic demise. End with a thought-provoking statement or a final insight about the play's exploration of love, fate, and the consequences of choices.

Remember to provide specific examples and evidence from the play to support your comparisons and contrasts. Also, weave in some analysis and interpretation to showcase your understanding of the characters and the overall themes of Romeo and Juliet. Good luck with your essay!