What is a synthetic material? Think about items made with plastics or other synthetic materials such as plastic bags, plastic bottles, disposable diapers, styrofoam containers, and synthetic fibers/clothes (polyester, nylon, or rayon). Do you think the benefits of having these types of products outweigh the problems they cause?

This is an opinion question. There is no right or wrong answer. You must support your answer with specific examples to earn credit.

Sentence starter:
I think items made from synthetic material are ____ (beneficial or harmful) because... (explain why you think they are beneficial or harmful-give at least 2 specific examples)

I think items made from synthetic material are both beneficial and harmful because they have advantages such as durability and cost-effectiveness, but also lead to environmental issues and health concerns. For example, plastic bags are cheap and convenient for carrying groceries, but they create a huge waste problem in landfills and pollute our oceans. Disposable diapers make parenting easier, but they take hundreds of years to decompose and generate enormous amounts of garbage. On the other hand, synthetic clothes like polyester and nylon have the advantage of being long-lasting and easy to clean, but they contribute to microplastic pollution and emit harmful chemicals during production and disposal. Overall, it is important to weigh the benefits and problems of synthetic materials and find ways to reduce their negative impacts on our planet and health.