Mrs. Brown’s Girl Scout troop had a car wash to earn some funds. They saved 1/6 of the money. They used 1/2 of the remaining money to go horse back riding. They then had $100.00 left. How much did they initially make washing cars

Let's work backwards to find out how much they initially made washing cars.

Starting with the $100 they had left:

- We know that they used 1/2 of the remaining money to go horse back riding.
- This means they had 2 times the $100 left before they went horse back riding.
- So, they had $200 before going horse back riding.

Going back further:

- We know that they saved 1/6 of the money they earned from the car wash.
- This means 5/6 of the money was left before they spent any of it.
- So, if we divide $200 by 5/6, we can find out how much they initially made.

($200) ÷ (5/6) = $240

Therefore, Mrs. Brown's Girl Scout troop initially made $240 washing cars.

Let X be the amount of money they made. They saved 1/6 X, and they had X - 1/6 X = 5/6*X left.

They used 1/2 of the remaining money, so they had (5/6) * (1/2)*X = 5/12*X left.
They had $100 left, so 5/12*X = $100.
Thus, the initial amount of money they made washing cars, X = $<<(12/5)*100=240>>240. Answer: \boxed{240}.

Sam’s birthday is 186 days after Jim’s birthday. Susan’s is 24 days after Jim’s. Sam was born on September 6th. What day was Susan born on if it wasn’t leap year

We need to first determine Jim's birthday. Let's call Jim's birthday "J" for short.

We know that Sam's birthday is 186 days after Jim's, so Sam's birthday is J + 186. We also know that Sam's birthday is September 6th. Therefore, we can set up an equation:

J + 186 = September 6th

To solve for J, we need to first determine how many days are in between January 1st (or any other known date) and September 6th.

January has 31 days, February has 28 days (since it's not a leap year), March has 31 days, April has 30 days, May has 31 days, June has 30 days, July has 31 days, and August has 31 days.

Adding up all these days, we get:

31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 = 243

So there are 243 days between January 1st and September 6th.

Now we can solve for J:

J + 186 = September 6th
J + 186 = 243 (since there are 243 days between January 1st and September 6th)
J = 57

Therefore, Jim's birthday is on March 1st (since there are 31 days in January, 28 days in February, and 28 + 1 = 29 days in February for leap years, and 31 + 28 + 1 = 60 days in January and February combined, leaving 365 - 60 - 31 - 30 = 244 days in the remaining months of the year. Since Jim's birthday is 57 days into those remaining months, his birthday must be on March 1st).

We also know that Susan's birthday is 24 days after Jim's, so Susan's birthday is March 25th.

Therefore, Susan's birthday is on \boxed{\text{March 25th}}.