Critically discuss the differences and similarities that can be identified on the basis of technology as an external determinant of the various education systems – South Africa ,Nigeria and Seychelles

Technology has become a significant external factor affecting education systems worldwide, and it plays a crucial role in enhancing learning outcomes and improving teaching methods. Several key differences and similarities can be identified between the education systems of South Africa, Nigeria, and Seychelles regarding technological advancements:


1. Digital Divide: There is a significant difference in the accessibility of technology between these three countries. South Africa and Seychelles have better technological infrastructures and access to internet compared to Nigeria. In Nigeria, the digital divide between urban and rural areas is prominent, hampering learning activities.

2. Curriculum: The education curriculum across the three countries is not standardized, which leads to variations in the integration of technology in education. Seychelles has a more structured and defined curriculum with the systematic implementation of technology in education.

3. Investment: There is a difference in the level of investment made in technology initiatives by these countries. While Seychelles allocate sufficient budget and resources towards technology development in education, South Africa, and Nigeria have not yet made significant allocation for investment of technology.


1. Internet Usage: The three countries have a rising internet usage quotient with a great focus on using technology for e-learning, blended learning and virtual classrooms. Students can now access coursework, interact with instructors and peers, and submit assignments online.

2. Mobile technology: There is a surge in the usage of mobile devices – smartphones and tablets, in all three countries for education purposes. Students can connect to online educational resources with ease irrespective of their location or internet connection.

3. Digital Resources: There is a growing trend in the provision of digital resources, which are useful for teaching and assessment across all three countries. Government, non-profit and private organisations provide free educational resources for Students and educators.

In conclusion, technological advancements have significant impacts on education delivery within South Africa, Nigeria, and Seychelles. These countries have different priorities and policies, which affect the level of investment in technology. However, most countries are highly committed to developing technology-enhanced learning for the future of education.

To critically discuss the differences and similarities among the education systems of South Africa, Nigeria, and Seychelles based on technology as an external determinant, we need to consider several aspects. The analysis will focus on the availability of technology, digital infrastructure, internet access, and the integration of technology in the curriculum and teaching methods in each country.

1. Availability of technology:
South Africa: South Africa has made significant progress in terms of technology availability. Many urban areas and schools have access to computers, tablets, and internet connectivity. However, there is a digital divide, with schools in rural and remote areas facing challenges in accessing technology.

Nigeria: Nigeria has seen a significant increase in technology availability in recent years. However, the digital divide is still prevalent, with many schools lacking basic technological infrastructure. Additionally, urban and rural areas may have disparities in access to technology.

Seychelles: Seychelles has relatively better access to technology compared to the other two countries. The government has invested in digital infrastructure and provided many schools with access to computers and internet connectivity. However, challenges might still exist in remote areas.

2. Digital infrastructure:
South Africa: South Africa has better digital infrastructure compared to Nigeria and Seychelles. There is a relatively well-developed telecommunications network, which facilitates internet access and connectivity.

Nigeria: Nigeria's digital infrastructure is continuously improving, but challenges remain. Unequal distribution of telecommunication infrastructure across the country affects internet access and connectivity, especially in rural areas.

Seychelles: Seychelles has a modern telecommunications network, allowing for better digital infrastructure. This enables schools and students to access the internet and utilize technology more effectively.

3. Internet access:
South Africa: While internet access is widespread in urban areas, access may be limited or unreliable in rural areas due to infrastructure challenges. This digital divide affects equity in technology access across different regions.

Nigeria: Internet access in Nigeria is increasing, but it is still relatively low, particularly in rural areas. Limited access to the internet affects the ability to integrate technology into education effectively.

Seychelles: Seychelles has significantly better internet access compared to South Africa and Nigeria. Access to the internet is relatively widespread, allowing for more comprehensive integration of technology in education.

4. Integration of technology in education:
South Africa: South Africa has made efforts to integrate technology into the education sector, especially in urban areas. However, the implementation varies across schools, and some institutions are lagging behind in utilizing technology for teaching and learning.

Nigeria: Integration of technology in Nigerian education is still in progress. Some schools, particularly private institutions in urban areas, have embraced technology for teaching and learning. Still, public schools and those in rural areas face challenges in terms of limited resources and technical expertise.

Seychelles: Seychelles has actively integrated technology into its education system. The government has implemented various initiatives to equip schools with technology and trained teachers on its effective use. This proactive approach has led to a more comprehensive integration of technology in the education system.

In summary, South Africa, Nigeria, and Seychelles exhibit differences and similarities in terms of technology as an external determinant in their education systems. While South Africa has relatively better digital infrastructure compared to the other two countries, Seychelles has made significant progress in integrating technology in education. Nigeria faces challenges related to internet access and limited resources. Bridging the digital divide and promoting equitable access to technology should be a priority for all three countries to ensure an inclusive and technologically advanced education system.