Jamal needs to find the volume of a rectangular prism that has a height of 713 in., a length of 314 in., and a width of 516 in. Which option shows the correct method for solving this problem?





V=713×314×516 is the correct method for solving this problem.

The correct method for finding the volume of a rectangular prism is to multiply the length, width, and height together. Therefore, the correct equation is:

V = 713 × 314 × 516

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, you need to multiply the three dimensions together: length × width × height.

In this case, the length is 314 in., the width is 516 in., and the height is 713 in. So, to find the volume (V), you would use the formula: V = length × width × height.

Therefore, the correct method for solving this problem is: V = 314 × 516 × 713.