Carly ran 3 1/2 miles for three fourths she ran uphill how many miles did she run uphill

To find out how many miles Carly ran uphill, we need to multiply the total distance she ran (3 1/2 miles) by the fraction that represents the fraction of the distance she ran uphill (three fourths or 3/4):

3 1/2 * 3/4

To do this multiplication, we can convert the mixed number (3 1/2) to an improper fraction:

3 1/2 = 7/2

Then we multiply the fractions straight across:

7/2 * 3/4 = (7*3)/(2*4) = 21/8

So Carly ran 21/8 miles uphill. We can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor (which is 1 in this case):

21/8 = 2 5/8

So Carly ran 2 5/8 miles uphill.


23 seconds ago
High School
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" the principal said over the squawk box.
"Here we go again! Another school year starts and it is the same old same old,'" Daniel muttered from the back of the room. The summer had been too short for his liking and sitting here listening to this drivel was akin to torture at this point.
"Calm down! You haven't even given it half a chance! The school year hasn't even started yet. Who knows what can happen!" Tabitha told him. She was always a ray of sunshine and optimism personified.
How those two ended up together made no logical sense: they were day and night

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" the principal said over the squawk box.
"Here we go again! Another school year starts and it is the same old same old,'" Daniel muttered from the back of the room. The summer had been too short for his liking and sitting here listening to this drivel was akin to torture at this point.
"Calm down! You haven't even given it half a chance! The school year hasn't even started yet. Who knows what can happen!" Tabitha told him. She was always a ray of sunshine and optimism personified.
How those two ended up together made no logical sense: they were day and night

Third person omniscient

Third person objective

Third person limited

Third person subjective

Third person limited

Can someone please help fast!!

can you simplify this: 1/3(5x-8)+2/3x

To simplify this expression, you need to distribute the 1/3 to the expression inside the parenthesis. This gives:

1/3(5x-8) = (1/3)*5x - (1/3)*8 = (5/3)x - (8/3)

Now, you can distribute the 2/3 to the x-term:

2/3x = (2/3)x

Putting the two terms together, you get:

(5/3)x - (8/3) + (2/3)x = (5/3 + 2/3)x - 8/3 = (7/3)x - 8/3

So, the simplified expression is (7/3)x - 8/3.

Just answering 2 and 4 would be great please and THANK YOU!


4. 2-i


We cannot simplify the expression "4x(x-5)(x+6)" any further.


2-i is a complex number.