Enugu is 450km due south of Kaduna. Lagos is due west of Enugu and on a bearing of 225 degree from Kaduna. Find the distance between 1.Lagos and Enugu.

2.Lagos and kaduna

We can use the cosine rule to solve this problem. Let A be Kaduna, B be Enugu, and C be Lagos.

1. To find the distance between Lagos and Enugu:

- Firstly, we need to find the angle ABC. Since Lagos is due west of Enugu, the angle ABC is 90 degrees.
- Next, we can use the cosine rule to find the distance AB:
AB^2 = AC^2 + BC^2 - 2AC*BC*cos(ABC)
AB^2 = BC^2 + (450km)^2 - 2BC*(450km)*cos(90)
AB^2 = BC^2 + (450km)^2
AB = sqrt(BC^2 + (450km)^2)

2. To find the distance between Lagos and Kaduna:

- We can use the cosine rule again, this time to find the distance AC:
AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2 - 2AB*BC*cos(ABC)
AC^2 = (sqrt(BC^2 + (450km)^2))^2 + BC^2 - 2(sqrt(BC^2 + (450km)^2))*BC*cos(90)
AC^2 = 2BC^2 + (450km)^2
AC = sqrt(2BC^2 + (450km)^2)

To find the distance between Lagos and Enugu, we can use the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry.

1. Enugu is 450 km due south of Kaduna.
2. Lagos is due west of Enugu and on a bearing of 225 degrees from Kaduna.

Step 1: Draw a diagram.
Let's draw a diagram to visualize the positions of Lagos, Enugu, and Kaduna.

Lagos - ENUGU
K -> West

Step 2: Find the distance between Lagos and Enugu.
To find the distance between Lagos and Enugu, we first need to determine the lengths of the sides of the triangle formed by Lagos, Enugu, and Kaduna.

Step 2.1: Find the distance from Enugu to Kaduna.
Since Enugu is due south of Kaduna, we can directly use the given distance of 450 km.

Distance between Enugu and Kaduna = 450 km

Step 2.2: Find the distance from Lagos to Kaduna.
We can break down the given bearing of 225 degrees into its components to calculate the distance between Lagos and Kaduna.

The bearing is 225 degrees, which means the angle formed between the north direction and the line connecting Lagos and Kaduna is (180 degrees - 225 degrees) = -45 degrees. However, since it is measured clockwise, we can consider it as 360 degrees - 45 degrees = 315 degrees.

We will use trigonometry to find the distance between Lagos and Kaduna.

Let x be the distance between Lagos and Kaduna.

cos(315 degrees) = (distance from Lagos to Kaduna) / x
cos(315 degrees) = sqrt(2) / 2 (cos(315 degrees) value)

Solving for x:
sqrt(2) / 2 = 450 / x
x = 450 * (2 / sqrt(2))
x = 900 / sqrt(2)
x = 900 * sqrt(2) / 2
x = 450 * sqrt(2)

Distance between Lagos and Kaduna = 450 * sqrt(2) km

Step 2.3: Apply the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between Lagos and Enugu.

We have the two sides of the triangle:
- Distance between Enugu and Kaduna = 450 km
- Distance between Lagos and Kaduna = 450 * sqrt(2) km

We can find the distance between Lagos and Enugu using the Pythagorean theorem:

Distance between Lagos and Enugu = sqrt((450 * sqrt(2))^2 + 450^2)

Step 2.4: Calculate the distance.
Calculating the distance using the Pythagorean theorem:

Distance between Lagos and Enugu = sqrt(405000 + 202500)
Distance between Lagos and Enugu = sqrt(607500)
Distance between Lagos and Enugu ≈ 780.62 km

Therefore, the distance between Lagos and Enugu is approximately 780.62 km.

Step 3: Find the distance between Lagos and Kaduna.
The distance between Lagos and Kaduna is already determined in Step 2.2:

Distance between Lagos and Kaduna = 450 * sqrt(2) km

Therefore, the distance between Lagos and Kaduna is 450 * sqrt(2) km.

To determine the distances, we need to perform a series of calculations based on the given information. Here's how to find the distances between the specified cities:

1. Distance Between Lagos and Enugu:
Since Lagos is due west of Enugu, we can create a right-angled triangle with Lagos, Enugu, and the point directly south of Lagos. Let's call this point "X." To find the distance between Lagos and Enugu, we need to find the length of side EX (the opposite side) in this triangle.

First, let's find the length of side EX using trigonometry. We know that EN (the adjacent side) has a distance of 450 km since Enugu is 450 km due south of Kaduna. The angle at E in this triangle is 180 - 225 = 45 degrees. We can use the cosine function to find the length of side EX:

cos(45°) = EN / EX
cos(45°) = 450 km / EX

Solving for EX:
EX = 450 km / cos(45°) ≈ 450 km / 0.707 ≈ 636.4 km

Therefore, the distance between Lagos and Enugu is approximately 636.4 km.

2. Distance Between Lagos and Kaduna:
To determine the distance between Lagos and Kaduna, we need to apply the Pythagorean theorem to the right-angled triangle formed by Lagos, Enugu, and Kaduna. The side lengths of this triangle are the distances between the cities.

Using the distance we found earlier (636.4 km) as the length of side EX, we know that side EX is perpendicular to side EK. The length of side EK (the hypotenuse of the triangle) is the distance between Kaduna and Enugu, which is 450 km. Let's call the length of side LK (the remaining side) the distance we're looking for.

Applying the Pythagorean theorem:
LK^2 = EK^2 - EX^2
LK^2 = (450 km)^2 - (636.4 km)^2
LK^2 ≈ 202500 km^2 - 404848.96 km^2
LK^2 ≈ -202348.96 km^2

Since we end up with a negative value, it means there's an error in the initial information or calculations. Double-checking the given data is necessary to resolve the discrepancy.

Please note that the calculations provided here assume a two-dimensional representation of the Earth's surface, which may not be entirely accurate for long-distance measurements.