Trisha earns $17,500 per year. If she has 30% withheld for deductions,

what is the net amount of her biweekly paycheck?
a. $490
b. $117.79
c. $471.15
d. $472.20

First, we need to calculate Trisha's gross biweekly income:

$17,500 / 26 = $673.08 (biweekly gross income)

Next, we need to calculate the amount withheld for deductions:

$673.08 x 0.3 = $201.92 (withheld for deductions)

Finally, we can calculate Trisha's net biweekly paycheck:

$673.08 - $201.92 = $471.16

Therefore, the answer is c. $471.15. (Note that this answer is rounded to the nearest cent, so there may be slight variations in the answer depending on how the calculations are rounded.)