This is your topic sentence for your body paragraph focus on one element of the thesis in the book A way of talking by Patricia Grace

The use of Māori language in A Way of Talking by Patricia Grace serves as a powerful tool for identity assertion and cultural preservation.

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In A Way of Talking, Patricia Grace uses the Māori language as a literary device to illustrate the importance of preserving indigenous language as it plays a vital role in asserting cultural identity. The use of Māori language creates a unique literary space where indigenous cultural practices and beliefs are portrayed authentically, evoking a sense of pride and admiration towards Māori culture. In addition, the use of Māori language contributes to the development of a distinct literary style that is influenced by the underlying Māori culture. By foregrounding Māori language in her writing, Grace communicates the idea that language and culture are inseparable, thus providing a platform to celebrate the unique Māori heritage in the literary world.

To write a body paragraph focusing on one element of the thesis in the book "A Way of Talking" by Patricia Grace, you first need to understand the main idea or argument of the thesis. The thesis statement provides the overall point that the author is trying to make in the book.

Once you have identified the thesis, you can select one specific element or aspect of it to focus on in your body paragraph. This element can be a key theme, a particular character, a literary device, or any other aspect that supports and helps develop the thesis.

For example, let's say the thesis of "A Way of Talking" is that the power of storytelling is a means for indigenous communities to preserve their cultural identity in the face of colonization. One possible element to explore in the body paragraph could be the role of traditional storytelling techniques in the book.

To support your argument, you should provide evidence from the text, such as quotes or specific examples, to show how the author incorporates storytelling and its impact on cultural preservation. Analyze how Patricia Grace portrays the characters' use of storytelling and the effect it has on their cultural heritage.

In summary, to write a body paragraph focusing on one element of the thesis in the book "A Way of Talking" by Patricia Grace, identify the thesis, choose a specific element to focus on, gather evidence from the text, and analyze how the author develops that element to support the main argument of the thesis.