What information is revealed by magnetism on rocks?(1 point)






The information revealed by magnetism on rocks includes:

1. Minerals: Magnetism can provide indications about the presence of certain minerals in the rocks. Different minerals may exhibit varying levels of magnetic properties, which can be detected through magnetization measurements.

2. Mass: Although magnetism primarily reveals information about the magnetic properties of the rocks, it can indirectly provide insights into the mass of the rocks as well. This is because the strength of the magnetic field generated by a rock is influenced by its mass.

3. Age: When certain rocks form, they can acquire a magnetic signature that corresponds to the Earth's magnetic field at that time. By analyzing the magnetic properties of rocks, scientists can determine their approximate age and gain insights into the geological history.

4. Luster: While magnetism does not directly reveal information about the luster of rocks, it can be used in combination with other properties to identify and classify different types of minerals and rocks, which can then be associated with certain luster characteristics.

None of the above.