Apply the appropriate formula to find out how much space is taken up by a right rectangular prism with a length of 4 yards, a width of 6 yards, and a height of 7 yards.

The formula for finding the volume of a right rectangular prism is:

V = lwh

where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height.

Plugging in the given values, we have:

V = 4 yards x 6 yards x 7 yards
V = 168 cubic yards

Therefore, the space taken up by the right rectangular prism is 168 cubic yards.

To find the volume of a right rectangular prism, you can use the formula:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

Given that the length is 4 yards, the width is 6 yards, and the height is 7 yards, you can substitute these values into the formula:

Volume = 4 yards x 6 yards x 7 yards

Now, multiply the values:

Volume = 24 yards^2 x 7 yards

Volume = 168 yards^3

Therefore, the space taken up by the right rectangular prism is 168 cubic yards.

To find out how much space is taken up by a right rectangular prism (also known as the volume), you can use the formula:

Volume = Length * Width * Height

In this case, the given dimensions for the right rectangular prism are:
Length = 4 yards
Width = 6 yards
Height = 7 yards

Using the formula, you can substitute these values into the formula to calculate the volume:

Volume = 4 yards * 6 yards * 7 yards

To simplify the calculation, multiply the numbers:

Volume = 24 yards^2 * 7 yards

Next, multiply the remaining numbers:

Volume = 168 yards^3

Therefore, the right rectangular prism takes up 168 cubic yards of space.