The sum of two numbers is 22. Three times one number increased by five is 35. What are the two numbers?

Let's call the two numbers x and y. We know that:

x + y = 22 (the sum of two numbers is 22)
3x + 5 = 35 (three times one number increased by five is 35)

We can use the first equation to solve for one of the variables. For example, we can solve for y by subtracting x from both sides:

y = 22 - x

Now we can substitute this expression for y into the second equation:

3x + 5 = 35

3x = 30 (subtract 5 from both sides)

x = 10 (divide both sides by 3)

So one of the numbers is 10. We can use the first equation to solve for the other number:

x + y = 22

10 + y = 22 (substitute x = 10)

y = 12

So the two numbers are 10 and 12.