name the point with the given coordinates (-4 2) chooses one of the choeeses k h g j

I choose "K".

The point with coordinates (-4, 2) is named K.

To name the point with the given coordinates (-4, 2), the most common notation is to use the format (x, y), where x represents the horizontal coordinate and y represents the vertical coordinate.

So, the point with the given coordinates (-4, 2) can be named as point K.

To find the name of the point with the given coordinates (-4, 2), we need more information about the choices K, H, G, and J. These choices likely correspond to certain names or labels that have been assigned to different points. Without knowing what these choices represent, it is not possible to determine the correct answer.

However, if you have additional information about what K, H, G, and J represent, please provide it, and I would be happy to help you find the name of the point.