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you have $5.00 for lunch. You bought a turkey sandwich for $2.25.
A. write an inequality that represents how much more money you can spend.
B. solve your inequality.

A. The inequality is: $5.00 - 2.25 \geq x$, where $x$ represents the amount of money you can still spend.

B. Solving the inequality:

$5.00 - 2.25 \geq x$

$2.75 \geq x$

Therefore, you can spend no more than $2.75.

x </= 5.00 - 2.25

x </= 2.75

Yes, you are correct. Another way to write it is $x \leq 2.75$.

A. To represent how much more money you can spend, we need to subtract the cost of the turkey sandwich from the amount of money you have. If the amount of money you have is represented by x and the cost of the turkey sandwich is $2.25, the inequality can be written as:

x - 2.25 ≥ 0

This inequality states that the difference between the amount of money you have and the cost of the turkey sandwich should be greater than or equal to 0.

B. To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable x.

x - 2.25 ≥ 0

To isolate x, we can add 2.25 to both sides of the inequality:

x ≥ 2.25

This means that you can spend no more than $2.25 in addition to the cost of the turkey sandwich.