Which of the following is true in comparing the Philippine-American War to the Spanish-American War?

The Philippine-American War lasted longer than the Spanish-American War.

What effect did John Hay’s open door policy letters have on the imperial powers of Britain,France, Germany, Russia, and Japan?

John Hay's open door policy letters sought to ensure equal trading opportunities for all nations in China, and thus it caused tension with the imperial powers of Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan who wished to maintain their own spheres of influence and colonial privileges in China. However, ultimately the letters had a limited impact on the actions of these powers, as they continued to pursue their own interests in China regardless.

To compare the Philippine-American War to the Spanish-American War and determine which statement is true, we should examine the historical context and key events of both wars.

The Philippine-American War (1899-1902) and the Spanish-American War (1898) are interconnected in terms of their timeline and involvement of the United States. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research the causes and objectives of both wars: Start by understanding the reasons behind each conflict and what the involved parties aimed to achieve. Look into the circumstances that led to the outbreak of the wars, and the goals pursued by the different sides.

2. Examine the military engagement and major battles: Study the military operations conducted during each war. Identify the key battles fought and the strategies employed by the opposing forces. This will give you insight into the scale and intensity of the conflicts.

3. Assess the role of the United States: Since both wars involved the United States, examine the extent of American involvement and the impact it had on the outcomes of the wars. Look into the motivations and actions of the United States in each conflict.

4. Analyze the aftermath and consequences: Consider the long-term implications of both wars. Examine the political, social, and economic consequences for the countries involved, particularly the Philippines, Spain, and the United States.

By undertaking this research and analysis, you will be able to determine the true statement when comparing the Philippine-American War and the Spanish-American War.