In what ways did political facilitate African struggle for independence in the inter -war period (1918-1939

1. Formation of Political Organizations: Political organizations like the African National Congress (ANC) and the Kenya African Union (KAU) were formed during this period, which helped Africans to come together and fight for their rights.

2. International Support: The interwar period saw a surge in international support for African independence movements. International organizations like the League of Nations and the United Nations began to sympathize with African freedom fighters.

3. Education: Education played a crucial role in the political empowerment of Africans. A significant number of Africans were educated in Europe or the United States, which helped them to understand the nuances of colonialism and the importance of self-determination.

4. Pan-Africanism: The idea of Pan-Africanism, which advocated for the unity of all people of African descent, gained popularity in this period. This concept of African unity helped to foster a sense of solidarity among Africans, which was crucial in the fight for independence.

5. Political Activism: Political activism was an essential tool for African struggle for independence. Activists like Jomo Kenyatta and Kwame Nkrumah were instrumental in organizing political rallies, protests, and boycotts, which put significant pressure on colonial authorities.

6. Armed Struggle: Some freedom fighters resorted to armed struggle to gain independence. Leaders like Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, and Nelson Mandela led their respective countries to liberation through armed struggle.

7. Economic Boycotts: Africans also used economic boycotts to put pressure on colonial authorities. Boycotts of European goods and services were instrumental in weakening the economic power of colonial masters.

8.Legal Challenges : Africans began to challenge colonial laws using the western legal system. They filed lawsuits in colonial courts and fought for their rights, which eventually led to some legal changes benefiting Africans.