Which of the following is a benefit of presenting information in a variety of media and formats?

• It presents all the sources in one place.
• It engages reader.
• It is more entertaining.
• It makes a topic easier to understand.

• It makes a topic easier to understand.

The benefit of presenting information in a variety of media and formats is that it makes a topic easier to understand.

The correct answer is: It makes a topic easier to understand.

Presenting information in a variety of media and formats has several benefits, but the specific benefit in this case is that it makes a topic easier to understand. When information is presented in different ways, such as using text, visuals, audio, and multimedia, it caters to different learning styles and preferences. Some people are more visual learners, while others may prefer auditory or kinesthetic learning. By presenting information in multiple formats, it ensures that individuals can access the content in a way that aligns with their learning style, making the topic more comprehensible and easier to grasp.

To arrive at this conclusion, it is important to carefully read and understand each option provided and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. In this case, options like "It presents all the sources in one place," "It engages the reader," and "It is more entertaining" may have their own merits, but they do not directly address the benefit of making a topic easier to understand. Consequently, "It makes a topic easier to understand" is the answer that aligns most closely with the concept being discussed.