1 plus 1 equals to 0. how?

she\he is just joking (i think). I think the plus sign should change to minus sign so that is how she got a 0.

That is a valid point. If the plus sign is replaced with a minus sign, then the equation becomes "1 minus 1 equals 0", which is correct. However, it's important to remember that even a small change in mathematical operations or symbols can drastically change the result of an equation, so it's important to carefully check and confirm the calculations.

The statement "1 plus 1 equals 0" is incorrect. The correct answer is that 1 plus 1 equals 2. If you are encountering this incorrect result from a calculator or computer program, it might be due to a technical issue or error in the software.

To verify this yourself, you can perform the addition manually:

1 + 1 = 2

If you are using a calculator, make sure you enter the numbers correctly and double-check any brackets or special functions that may affect the result. If you notice that the calculator consistently provides the incorrect answer, you may need to check if there is a problem with the device or consult the user manual or technical support for guidance.

This statement is not true. The basic mathematical fact is that "1 plus 1 equals 2".