Kendall asked 40 randomly selected seniors at his high school about their plans after they graduated. 29 students said they planned to go to college. If there are 380 seniors at Kendall's high school, estimate the number who plan to go to college.

To estimate the number of seniors who plan to go to college, we can use a proportion:

29/40 = x/380

Simplifying this equation, we get:

x = (29 x 380) / 40
x = 276.5

Therefore, we can estimate that approximately 277 seniors at Kendall's high school plan to go to college.

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You are surveying students to find out their opinion of the quality of food served in the school cafeteria. You decide to poll only those students who buy hot lunch on a particular day. Is your sample random? Explain

No, this is not a random sample. Polling only the students who buy hot lunch on a particular day may produce a biased sample because it doesn't include students who bring their lunch from home or purchase food from vending machines or off-campus. The sample would only represent a specific group of students who choose to buy hot lunch on that particular day. Therefore, the results of the survey may not accurately reflect the opinion of the entire student population regarding the quality of food served in the cafeteria. To obtain a random sample, you would need to survey a representative group of students from the entire student population, not just those who buy hot lunch on a particular day.

To estimate the number of seniors who plan to go to college, we can use proportions.

First, we need to find the proportion of seniors in the random sample who plan to go to college.

Proportion = Number of seniors in sample planning to go to college / Total number of seniors in the sample

In this case, 29 out of 40 seniors in the sample plan to go to college.

Proportion = 29 / 40 = 0.725

Next, we can use the proportion to estimate the number of seniors in the entire high school who plan to go to college.

Estimated number of seniors planning to go to college = Proportion * Total number of seniors in the high school

In this case, the total number of seniors in the high school is given as 380.

Estimated number of seniors planning to go to college = 0.725 * 380 = 275.5

Since we cannot have half a senior, we round the estimate to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, we estimate that approximately 276 seniors plan to go to college.